ALL grading sessions will take place at Mills Park, Chelmsford Road, Asquith.
YOUTH - 9th February 2025
U12 - 9am -10am
U13 - 10:15am -11:15am
U14 - 11:30am -12:30pm
U15 - 1:15pm -2:15pm
U16 - 2:15pm -3:15pm
U18 - 3:15pm -4:15pm
G12 - 9.00-10:00am
G13/14 - 10:15-11:15am
G15/16 - 11:30-12:30pm
MINIROOS - 16th February 2025
U6 - 9:30am -10:30am
U7 - 10:30am -11:30am
U8 - 11:30am -12:30pm
U9 - 1:00pm -2:00pm
U10/11 - 2:00pm-3:00pm
G8/9 - 11am -12pm
G10/11 - 12:15pm -1:15pm
G18/20 - 2:00pm - 3:00pm
GJDL U10 Trials - 9:45am - 10:45am
Please arrive 15 mins before your allotted time and present at the grading registration desk and collect your bib.
Please ensure you have registered before your arrival. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a place in a team to anyone that has not registered.
Please bring water and sunscreen.
Super League, Diamond League and JDL players are not required to attend.
Please email the relevant coordinator if you are unable to attend:
Who is responsible for grading players?
For all senior teams the co-ordinator of that group is responsible for the grading and operational activities throughout the season.
Below provides information for junior grading activities, in particular, MiniRoos (Under 6 – 11) & Junior Comp (Under 12 – 18) age groups.
For junior players (U18 and younger) — the Grading Manager will appoint a grading committee who will be responsible for the grading of the players. The grading committee will consist of a selection of experienced senior players, past coaches, and club committee members with a view to maintaining as much independence from the players as is feasible.
​What age groups will be graded?
All Junior players (Under 6 – Under 18 inclusive) will be graded into a team appropriate for their age and skill levels. Less emphasis will be placed on individual grading of the U6 & U7 children — there is more emphasis on team work where enjoyment and the introduction to the Small Sided Football (SSF) are a priority, BUT — all children will be graded to some extent!
After finalisation of grading by HHFC, the Football Secretary is responsible for submission of Team Divisional Allocations to Northern Suburbs Football Association (NSFA) for their approval.
Why grade players?
Experience has shown that children develop their skills far more quickly when they are playing at a level commensurate with their abilities.
Placement of players in the correct team at an early age also allows the club to identify and nurture the requirements of the individual players as they move into the older age groups. Starting the grading process early allows more opportunity to establish the right level for every player, step by step.
Can my child be graded into a team with his/her friends?
Experience has shown the majority of children will quickly make new friends when put into a team of the appropriate skill level — so playing with friends is not a club priority, however we understand that it is really important for some children to play with their friends and we will try to accommodate "play together" requests.
If a Miniroos (Under 6 – Under 11) parent requests their child be graded into a team with a friend, the club will do it’s best to accommodate, however, the following guidelines will apply:
Parents can nominate one friend for their child to be placed with. The parents of that child must also reciprocate the "play together request" via email to the registrar ( The club will then try to place that player with that friend.
All children graded with a nominated friend will be graded down to the level of the lowest skilled player of the nominated children. (e.g. if your child is graded in the ‘A’ team and his/her friend is in the ‘C’ team, if the request is granted both children will play in the ‘C’ team).
All play together requests must be completed prior to grading completion.
How will grading work?
The coaches’ feedback from previous year’s teams will be used to build a provisional ranking list of players within each age group prior to grading day. Grading day will then be used to confirm or challenge this ranking and to compare new players to the club with established players. From this basis the provisional team lists are compiled. For some age groups these provisional team lists will be final, while for other age groups trial matches will be used to finalise the teams.
What do we do about late registrations or absentees from grading day?
Players registering late and/or missing grading day will be placed into teams deemed the most appropriate by the selection committee. Where possible, previous coach feedback and committee knowledge will used as the basis for this decision, but with new players to the club a decision on grading will be made on a case by case basis.
Please understand we cannot guarantee players a place in a team unless they are registered. Late registration may mean we are unable to find space in an appropriate team. We hate to turn players away, especially loyal HHFC players, so to avoid disappointment please REGISTER EARLY!
Attendance at Grading is mandatory, in particular, where there is more than one team in any age division.
Any player, who (for whatever reason) feels he/she cannot attend Grading must formally advise the Registrars prior to the scheduled Grading Day by emailing:
Can my child play up an age group?
Unless otherwise approved by HHFC, players will be initially graded into their correct ‘Year of Birth’ age group at registration.
Whilst requests can be made for players to play 'up an age’ from his/her correct ‘year of birth’ age group, such requests will only be granted by HHFC on the basis of the applicant successfully demonstrating a case for such promotion and only if the promotion does not affect the lower age group player numbers in any way.
In general, all players will be expected to compete in their correct age category/division.
Requests for promotion of players to an older age group/division, will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
All requests must be made at registration prior to the grading process commencing. The club retains sole discretion as to the final grading.
When will the teams be announced?
After Grading Day the grading panel reconvenes to finalise assessments and team placements. We endeavour to announce team within 5 working days and all players will be notified by email.
In the interests of protecting the role of last year’s coaches, the grading committee and the players themselves, all information pertaining to the grading process will be kept confidential at all times.
No individual feedback will be provided.
Juniors (U12-U18): 09 February
MiniRoos (U6-U11): 16 February