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Player Registration Refund Policy

Updated 26th January 2022




The purpose of this policy is to standardise the refund of registration fees to members before and after commencement of the season.




From the Member Registration Fee – Hornsby Heights FC must pay:


  • FFA and Football NSW Playing and Insurance Levies

  • NSFA Team Levies


These are charged once the season commences and they cannot be refunded if the player deregisters after the start of the season (once the player has played one game).


The balance of the Member Registration Fees is used by the club to pay for:


  • Field Hire, including pre-season matches, training and grading.

  • Kits bags, including cones, bibs, match balls, flags, whistle, goal keeper kit.

  • Field equipment, including nets, posts, storage costs.

  • Trophies, end of year trophies and awards.

  • Development for U6-U11 (T3 Training).

  • Coaching Development and Training, including Parent Coaching Sessions

  • Fines (Yellow and Red cards, forfeits, errors on match cards, etc.)

  • Administration, which includes website and accounting.


Fee Refund Policy​​

  1. The pro rata amount shall be apportioned on months paid for in the coaching plan. Say, if a coach has been appointed to a team from February to August (ie. 7mths) and the player requests a refund mid-May, a refund shall be paid for the 3 remaining months on the plan (rounded up) less a $50 admin fee.


+ Registrations need to be cancelled before the commencement of the season. No games can be played.


* Refund only available in the case of an injury sustained as a result of playing football that will prevent any further play during the current season.


Exceptions: All exceptions to the above schedule shall be pre-approved by the Treasurer, plus either the Chair or Secretary. 

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